Life is fleeting.
In mid 2022, I was having one of those "what if" conversations with my good friend David. Life and death were one of the fifty topics we discussed that day. Both of us single, both of us working from home, both of us in our early 50's we joked that imagine if we died at home, it might be a week or more before someone finds us.
Fast forward nine months. David had not been responding to text, calls or emails for the last 4 days and a worried co-worker went to his home to check on him.
I get the call, the call you dont want to get. He was found in his home, he had passed.
David had been right next to me through my various health crisis throughout the years, I had always expected to be right next to him through his. This however was a different scenerio. All I wanted to do was be with my friend, to hold his hand and say goodbye to him in person. Unfortunately, 4 days was just too much. There was not going to be any visiting, any viewing. There wasn't going to be any in person goodbye.
During my grief, I beleive as a way to cope, I started developing this system. A system that potentially could save a life and get medical attention to someone that needs it quickly and I pray it does! If something were to happen, similar to David's passing, I also pray that it can be discovered quickly and we, the ones left behind can have that oppertunity I missed out on -- to be with them, to hold their hand and say goodbye.
David. I love you buddy. And thank you for every life saved and quick discovery this system can help with.
Your pal