But why CareCall.Health?

What is it that we do?

CareCall.Health will conduct a wellness check your on Check-On person on your / their schedule. Daily, weekly or any combination of scheduling. In the event of no response, we will reattempt at your configurable interval. Upon continued missed contact attempts we will alert you immediately that we cannot contact your Check-On so that you may consider alerting a neighbor, emergency services, etc. for an in-person wellness check.

We will only alert you in the event of missed contact requests allowing you to stay worry free. In other words, unless you're altered, everything is going swimmingly ;)    

Typical Check-On's include: Configuration is quick and easy and in just 3 easy steps you can feel comforted in knowing your Check-On will be checked on!    


It really is that easy and with a 7 Day Free Trial, you get to try our service before deciding. No contracts, no credit cards.